Welcome to the home of the Guyson Scottish Sprint, Hillclimb and Speed Championships.

Our Championships are recognised by  Motorsport UK, the governing body of motorsport in the UK.

SSHC statement on 2020 season

First of all I hope you are all safe and well and if not that you are getting plenty of help in these difficult times.

As you would imagine there have been many conversations by committee members who continue to monitor the guidance from the government (local and national) and Motorsport UK.

Following the announcement by Motorsport UK to withdraw any permits until the end of June we have of course lost many events, some are discussing possible new dates but the second half of the season is already busy.

We will continue to monitor the situation with regard to reviewing the championships and their viability this year.

As a very fluid situation you will appreciate many conversations will be had before another communication is made as we continue in the background to ensure when things change we can move forward and inform you of our process going forward.

All the very best

Tim Thomson

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Motorsport UK COVID-19 Update

It is with regret that Motorsport UK is suspending all organising permits and Certificates of Exemption until at least 30th April 2020. This suspension follows the latest guidance issued by HM UK Government in response to the outbreak of COVID-19. This position will be constantly reviewed given prevailing information. 

As the National Governing Body, we would ask all Motorsport UK members to act responsibly and follow the Government’s guidance during this difficult time.

We thank all of our members, organisers, officials, volunteers, staff and their families for their support during these unprecedented times.  We will continue to monitor the situation and will resume sporting activity as soon as we are able. We also have a responsibility and duty of care to our staff who will be working from home, so please be patient with any queries you may have.   

David Richards, chairman of Motorsport UK, explained, “Clearly we live in challenging times and exceptional measures are required. The decision to suspend Motorsport UK permits on a temporary basis is not one that was taken lightly as the industry employs many thousands of people. However we have an over-riding responsibility to our members and the friends and families of our community. Furthermore, our social responsibilities extend to the broader population and the potential drain on valuable public health resources on which we are all reliant. 

“The situation is very fluid and we will continue to monitor developments over the coming weeks and hope that we can resume the annual motorsport calendar at the opportune moment. In the immediate short term our efforts need to be focused on ensuring that the industry that backs up the sport has the financial support that it requires from the Government in order that it can be sustained beyond this extraordinary scenario.”

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