Scottish Sprint & Hillclimb Championship
1. Name
The name of the organisation shall be the Scottish Sprint & Hill Climb Championship, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Club’.
2. Objectives
The Club is established to pursue the following objectives:
1) To co-ordinate selected events in Scotland promoted by MSA affiliated motor clubs into sprint, hill climb and speed championship.
2) To receive registrations from competitors wishing to compete in the championship(s).
3) To seek and receive sponsorship donations in cash or kind.
4) To distribute awards to competitors for their performance in the championship(s).
3. Affiliation
The Club shall be affiliated to The Royal Automobile Club Motor Sports Association Limited, herein referred to as the MSA.
4. Membership
All members are subject to the Constitution of the Club and the regulations of the MSA.
5) Registration in the Championship(s) includes Associate (non voting) membership of the Club from approval of entry for that year until the results for that year have been made final.
6) Membership of the Club shall be open to all persons irrespective of ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs, or of age, sex or disability except as a necessary consequence of the requirements of Motorsport as a particular sport.
7) In addition, voting members of the Management Committee (i.e. the Executive Committee, club and competitor representatives) shall be regarded as full members of the Club, for the tenure of their post.
5. Suspension, Refusal or Termination of Membership
8) The Club may refuse membership or expel from membership only for good and sufficient cause, such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against such a decision may be made to the Executive members and decided by a majority vote.
9) The member may apply for reinstatement with the following year’s registration.
10) The Management Committee will have the power to accept or refuse registrations from prospective participants, to set the registration fee and the closing date for entries.
11) The Management Committee shall inform the member in writing of any decision to terminate their membership, with the reasons for the termination.
6. General Meetings
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The AGM shall be held each year at such time and place as determined by the Management Committee, at approximately twelve monthly intervals, but no more than fourteen months after the date of the previous AGM. At each AGM the following business shall be conducted:
i) Receive and confirm the minutes of the previous AGM
ii) Presentation and finalisation of the Championships Results
iii) Presentation of the Club’s financial accounts for the year
iv) Presentation of the Club’s projected financial situation for the forthcoming year, and the setting of all fees
v) Presentation of Chairperson’s report
vi) Election of officers to the Executive Committee
vii) The Management Committee shall set the closing date for entries
viii) Any other business brought before the meeting which has been submitted in writing to the secretary not less than seven days prior to the AGM, and any other business deemed relevant by the chairperson
Notice for an AGM shall be a minimum of 21 days.
A quorum for an AGM shall be 8 full members of the Management Committee.
7. Rules for General Meetings
12) A minimum of 3 meetings including the AGM will be held annually.
13) Twenty one days notice of any meeting of the Management Committee shall be given by the Secretary, except when:
In an emergency a quorum of 3 committee members may call an Extraordinary General Meeting at four days’ notice.
14) The Chairperson, or in his/her absence the Vice-Chairperson, or in his/her absence a member selected by the meeting, will take the Chair.
15) All committee members shall register with the Secretary prior to the start of the meeting.
16) All votes shall be determined by a simple majority. In the event of a tied vote, the Chair may exercise a casting vote.
17) The quorum shall be one third of those eligible to vote.
18) Excepting the Chair, all members of the Executive Committee, the club representatives and the championship champions shall be entitled to vote. Each Management Committee member shall have one vote, excepting the co-opted members listed in section 12. who will not have a vote.
19) The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings and record all proceedings and resolutions.
8. Election of Officers to the Executive Committee
21) Half of the Executive Committee, the Chairperson, treasurer and hill climb co-ordinator will be elected by ballot one year; with the vicechairperson, secretary and sprint co-ordinator being elected by ballot the following year. Those six Executive Members will hold their post for a two year period and on completion of their two years will be eligible for re-election.
22) All nominations of candidates for election shall: have the consent of the nominee; be in writing; be seconded; be received by the Secretary not less than fourteen days before the AGM.
23) Uncontested posts may be filled by nomination(s) and election at the AGM by the Management Committee.
9. Members of the Executive Committee
24) The Executive Committee shall consist of the following Officers:
i) Chairperson
ii) Vice- Chairperson
iii) Secretary
iv) Treasurer
v) Sprint Championship Co-ordinator
vi) Hill Climb Championship Co-ordinator
25) No individual may hold more than one executive post.
26) All the above shall be entitled to one vote each at General Meetings, except the Chair.
27) The committee may co-opt any member to any unfilled post until the conclusion of the following AGM, providing that the number of co-optees shall not exceed one third of the total number of persons serving on the executive at that time.
10. Club Committee Representatives
In addition to Executive Office Bearers, each club organising a championship event will appoint a representative to serve on the committee (in addition to executive office bearers who are also Club members). This annual appointment will be in writing from the appointing club, and will include nominated deputies. Each club representative will have one vote.
11. Competitors’ Representatives on Committee
The three championship champions for sprints, hill climbs, and speed will be invited to join the committee for the calendar year after their win and will be eligible to vote. If the champion is unable to attend for that year, then the runner-up can be appointed as a replacement.
12. Co-opted Committee Members
The Management Committee may co-opt other members including Web Coordinator, Dance Organiser, Eligibility Scrutineer to attend committee meetings. The co-opted member will have no vote and will be appointed annually by majority vote.
13. Events
The Management Committee will have the sole power to accept or exclude events to form the rounds of the championship(s).
28) The income and property of the Club, however derived, shall be applied solely towards the objectives of the club as set out in Rule 2, of this constitution.
29) The Club shall have the power to raise money by means of yearly fees as determined by the Management Committee at the Annual General Meeting.
30) All monies shall be lodged in a bank account in the name of the Club.
31) All payments will be agreed by 2 committee members, neither of whom are the payee.
32) The financial year of the club shall run from 1st January to 31st December.
33) Non-profit Making. All surplus income and profits are re-invested in the Club. Additional discretionary disbursement of funds may be made by the Management Committee.
34) The Treasurer shall keep correct accounts and books showing the financial affairs of the championship, including a record of all transactions carried out by him/her on behalf of the Club. The treasurer will provide a financial report for each committee meeting and shall prepare accounts following the end of the financial year.
35) Annual accounts will be reviewed by a competent person who is not a voting member of the Club, prior to presentation to the management committee.
15. Amendments to the Constitution
This Constitution may only be amended at the Annual General Meeting by a proposal passed by a majority of members present and entitled to vote. Any amendment must be submitted to the Secretary not less than 28 days prior to the AGM and be circulated to all full members by the Secretary not less than 21 days before the AGM.
16. The Dissolution of the Club.
36) Any resolution to dissolve the Club may be passed at any AGM or EGM provided that:
i) The terms of the proposed resolution are received by the Secretary at least forty two days before the meeting at which the resolution is to be brought forward, and that
ii) At least twenty eight days notice of the proposed resolution shall be given in writing by the secretary to all members, and that
iii) Such a resolution shall receive the assent of two thirds of those present and entitled to vote
37) The Club is a non-profit making organisation. All profits and surpluses will be used to maintain or improve or develop the Club’s facilities or to carry out the objects of the Association to which it is affiliated. No profit or surplus will be distributed other than to another non-profit making body on a winding-up or dissolution of the Club.
38) If, upon the winding up or dissolution of the Club there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall be transferred to some other organisation or organisations having objects similar to the objects of the Club, such organisation or organisations to be determined by the members of the Club by Resolution passed at a General meeting or in the absence of such a resolution (or that the extent to which it cannot be given effect) to the Association to which the Club is affiliated.
19. Declaration
It is hereby certified that this document represents a true and most up to date version of the Constitution of the Scottish Sprint & Hill Climb Championship.