Code of Conduct
Speed events are very social and the Executive Committee expect everyone to enjoy their motorsport but also remind our members of the code of conduct as set out by the MSA in the year book (blue Book)
taken from theĀ MSA yearbook 2018
10.1. The Motor Sports Association expects Competitors, and their associates, at all times to:
10.1.1. Abide by the MSA regulations.
10.1.2. Respect the decisions of event officials.
10.1.3. Treat all competitors, marshals and officials equally with respect.
10.1.4. Maintain the highest standards of driving behavior.
10.1.5. Conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times and always behave in the best interests of UK motor sport.
10.1.6. Make every effort to minimise the impact of their activities on the environment around them.
10.2. The Motor Sports Association will not tolerate any form of abuse or aggression towards officials, marshals, spectators and competitors.
10.2.1. The Motor Sports Association and the National Court will impose the most stringent sanction against any transgression